Attend the workshop
- The workshop will be a hybrid event supporting both in-person and remote participation. The registration fee for both in-person and remote participation is $100. Please register with Eventbrite to attend CSET'23.
- In-person participation will be at USC-ISI in Marina Del Rey (4676 Admiralty Way, 11th floor, Marina Del Rey, CA 90292). Remote participants will receive a Zoom link prior to the event.
- In-person participants will be provided continental breakfast, morning coffee break, lunch, and afternoon coffee break. There will be a no-host dinner at a nearby restaurant on Monday evening (approx. 6pm)
- Transportation (e.g., Uber) from USC-ISI to the Anaheim Marriott where the USENIX Symposium is being held will be provided Monday after the no-host dinner and Tuesday morning
- List of nearby hotels (most are within easy walking distance, 1.2 miles or less)
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